The Wayback Machine -
Fixture & Social Play
Mixed Social
Ladies Social
Mixed Team
A & C Fast 4
Fixtures & Social Play

Are you enjoying your tennis more than your friends and family? Or is one of your children begging for more tennis?

Maybe you should consider participating in Social Tennis and/or Fixtures tennis at Tennis Gympie. When you come and play Social or Fixtures tennis you will be introduced to people who love tennis as much as you do. This means there will always be someone there who wants a game of tennis.

There are two types of tennis offered at Tennis Gympie

  • Social Tennis. This is where players come together at an arranged time and play other players, but no record of wins or losses are recorded. It is strictly fun and friendly.
  • Fixtures Tennis. Fixtures tennis organises players in teams and points are recorded and a winner is announced round. Then at the end of the season a winning team is calculated. Beginners are always welcome at fixtures. This is due to the way the competitions are organised.

Day Start Time Finish Time    Offering
Mon 9.00am 11.00am Mixed Social
Tue 9.00am 11.00am Ladies Social
6.00pm 7.00pm A & C Fast 4
Wed 9.00am 11.00am Ladies Social
6.30pm 8.30pm Wednesday Night Fixtures - Mixed Team
Thu 9.00am 11.00am Ladies Social